ready, set, accelerate

launch a brand new, professionally created, custom website by june 8th through this unique offering

A standalone opportunity in partnership with Elementor to provide full service web development for one client as a part of their Kit Accelerator Program. While we will be quickly moving through the process, I will be logging feedback and documentation that will help the Elementor team continue to improve their state-of-the-art web development software.

What this means for you is you could receive more than $3k+ of web design, copyrighting, and brand refinement services for free. I am looking for the best fitting client to go through this fast-paced experience.

A select number of non-chosen applicants will receive an exclusive discount on web services for taking the time to apply.

Submissions close at 11:59pm EST on Saturday, May 21st.

Who would make a great fit?

  • You are available and willing to move quickly. (From client selection to final site delivery, there will be just about 2.5 weeks to make something spectacular!)
  • You have access to a selection of images or videos that help showcase your business or work (Or your work is something we may be able to supplement with quality stock images or video)
  • You have access to where your domain is registered, or do not yet have a domain and are starting fresh 
  • You have somewhat of an idea of what you are looking for, but are wanting someone else to really take the reins and run with it

apply now

that was fun.

The application for program participation in the Elementor Kit Accelerator is now closed. Check out this awesome site that came out of it! 

Want one for yourself now? Game on.